Discover the Job-Hunting Strategy That Wins Every Time
I know, it sounds unbelievable. One strategy that wins every time?
Yes. There’s one thing that successful job seekers do.
When we don’t yet have what we want, and maybe we’re not even sure how to get it, most of us want to learn more.
If you’re reading, taking courses and watching hours of videos online looking for the secret, look no further - the secret is here.
Gaining more knowledge is not going to make you feel more comfortable stepping out of your comfort zone.
We tend to think it will be easier if [ fill in the blank ], but the reality is that there’s one thing that expands our comfort zone and makes us more comfortable and confident: Skills. To ensure you have the most effective job search method, be certain that you are gaining skills and growing courage.
Many people believe that not having courage is an obstacle, but courage isn’t something you naturally have (or are born without). Courage is a skill you build by being courageous. When you step outside your comfort zone, even a little, you’re building courage.
It takes courage because outside your comfort zone is uncertainty. Not everything is going to work out the way you want, but sometimes it works out even better. Doing new things is uncomfortable for a while, and then it gets easier.
What’s the job-hunting strategy that wins every time? Thinking like a scientist! You can completely transform your job search with a scientific approach.
Learning by doing is the only way to build skills, even in your job search. Thinking like a scientist means that everything is an experiment. You develop a hypothesis and then you test it.
Many experiments fail, but the scientist uses the information to decide what to do next. Each experiment is practice for the next. Change one small thing and try again. Collect the feedback, change one thing and try again. Practice, practice, practice. In this way you will uncover employment opportunities that many others will not find.
In your job search, you won’t ever learn all the things there are to learn. You simply need the right combination of skills for your situation, so learn something and apply it. Learn something and take action. Learn something and practise.
Taking action is the only way to build skills. Stepping outside your comfort zone to improve your skills is the only way to become more confident in your job search. Courage comes from having the courage to be uncomfortable for a little while. Give it a try. You can do it!